Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Grease is the world

Earlier this month I went to singapore to watch a very nice  musical show yap the tittle has it
I loveee it, up till today i kept playing the number all the songs are classic one

The story:
I bet most of you already know the story, kisah cinta abegeh antara sandy and danny dan temen2
mereka di Rydell High School,  pokoknya sma bgt dah , mulai dri gosipin ama temen2 waktu
berasa nemu cowok/cewek yg (rasanya) klop banget (summer night) lalu kegalauan apa yg harus
dipilah setalah tamat smu (beauty school dropout) masalah teen-pregnancy (the worst things I could do) intinya  something we can relate too.. Altough am not a fan for the ending, apa sih maksa bgt (menurut gw) but still i love it!

The venue:
Mastercard Grand Theathre Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Kedua kalinya nonton disini setelah Wicked 2011 tapi sekarang duduknya lebih kedepan
Berhubung gw belum pernah nonton ditempat lain selain jakarta dan singapore maka so far so good lah

The show:
Seperti yg udah gw sebut diatas suka pake bgt hahaha
Udahlah gw bias banget
My favoritte number of course "the worst things I could do" si Rizzo yg nyanyiin bagus banget
karakter danny zuko juga bagus sok cuek tapi sayang bgt ama sandy trus gaya dan ketawanya
pas banget. How about Sandy? Not my fave one she looks not teen enough..sorry but its true

Overall, am so gratefull can watch this show, cant wait for the next show, hopefully sounds of music

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Just dropping by

Ya ampun...

Terakhir nulis itu tahun 2012 dan sekarang udah 2014, say whatt??
Saya pemalas sekali ya *tertunduk malu*, walaupun mungkin gak ada
yg baca ini blog tapi gw kan udah janji biar jadi orang yg konsisten
tapi janji tinggal janji....

 So far life is good, might not fantastic but worth to live.
Am no longer living with my parent, my husband and I
decided to rent a small apartment nearby our office building,
It surely make our life easier no more trap in traffic for hours,
or unnecessary drama with parent, am so agree when ppl say
that once u get married find ur own love-nest :)

Gimana rasanya tinggal di apartment?
Well, sempit sih mentok kiri-kanan, semua harus sendiri,
Mulai dari nyuci, gosok, beberes, masak (tapi gw banyakan
beli jarang masak hehehe), trus suami happy bgt karena
disini ada gym dia bisa jogging anytime dan kita juga sering
berenang bareng, hiburan murah meriah...
sedang berfikir-fikir apakah kita beli rumah atau apartmen, keduanya
ada pros and cons masing- masing, tapi yg penting sekarang sih
nabung dulu yg banyak :)