Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Grease is the world

Earlier this month I went to singapore to watch a very nice  musical show yap the tittle has it
I loveee it, up till today i kept playing the number all the songs are classic one

The story:
I bet most of you already know the story, kisah cinta abegeh antara sandy and danny dan temen2
mereka di Rydell High School,  pokoknya sma bgt dah , mulai dri gosipin ama temen2 waktu
berasa nemu cowok/cewek yg (rasanya) klop banget (summer night) lalu kegalauan apa yg harus
dipilah setalah tamat smu (beauty school dropout) masalah teen-pregnancy (the worst things I could do) intinya  something we can relate too.. Altough am not a fan for the ending, apa sih maksa bgt (menurut gw) but still i love it!

The venue:
Mastercard Grand Theathre Marina Bay Sands Singapore
Kedua kalinya nonton disini setelah Wicked 2011 tapi sekarang duduknya lebih kedepan
Berhubung gw belum pernah nonton ditempat lain selain jakarta dan singapore maka so far so good lah

The show:
Seperti yg udah gw sebut diatas suka pake bgt hahaha
Udahlah gw bias banget
My favoritte number of course "the worst things I could do" si Rizzo yg nyanyiin bagus banget
karakter danny zuko juga bagus sok cuek tapi sayang bgt ama sandy trus gaya dan ketawanya
pas banget. How about Sandy? Not my fave one she looks not teen enough..sorry but its true

Overall, am so gratefull can watch this show, cant wait for the next show, hopefully sounds of music

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Just dropping by

Ya ampun...

Terakhir nulis itu tahun 2012 dan sekarang udah 2014, say whatt??
Saya pemalas sekali ya *tertunduk malu*, walaupun mungkin gak ada
yg baca ini blog tapi gw kan udah janji biar jadi orang yg konsisten
tapi janji tinggal janji....

 So far life is good, might not fantastic but worth to live.
Am no longer living with my parent, my husband and I
decided to rent a small apartment nearby our office building,
It surely make our life easier no more trap in traffic for hours,
or unnecessary drama with parent, am so agree when ppl say
that once u get married find ur own love-nest :)

Gimana rasanya tinggal di apartment?
Well, sempit sih mentok kiri-kanan, semua harus sendiri,
Mulai dari nyuci, gosok, beberes, masak (tapi gw banyakan
beli jarang masak hehehe), trus suami happy bgt karena
disini ada gym dia bisa jogging anytime dan kita juga sering
berenang bareng, hiburan murah meriah...
sedang berfikir-fikir apakah kita beli rumah atau apartmen, keduanya
ada pros and cons masing- masing, tapi yg penting sekarang sih
nabung dulu yg banyak :)

Minggu, 11 November 2012

My fave gang...for now

Malas adalah sifat utama saya...my fave activities are sleeping or gegulingan di kasur sambil nonton cable ohh love it #bahagia-itu-mudah :) .. speaking of cable, please meet my recent fave gang *drum roll*...


intinya kisah 6 orang yg sahabatan dan tinggal di chicago, yes banyak yang bilang kayak friends tapi lebih masa kini, lengkapnya bisa lihat disini gw suka semua tokoh-tokohnya mulai dari si jane yang ambitious tapi ingin menyenangkan semua orang, she can manipulate people with her "kerkovich-way", brad suaminya jane yg kocak banged (am a huge fans of damon wayans Jr. tadinya dia main di pilot projectnya new girl jadi si coach tapi dia keluar dari new girl buat konsen di seri ini, i must say a wise decision) dan their husband-wife relationship is very funny, trus ada si max si sassy gay yang pemalas en jauh banged dari stereotype orang gay, si alex yang suka polos, dan ex-nya yang agak plain and my fave gal is Penny she's so funny with her cacth pharse  "ah-maaa-zingg" and "this is the year of Penny"  somehow this gang reassemble my circle of friends irl :)

now the show is entering its 3rd season (padahal awalnya rating-nya gak terlalu bagus loh) tak sabar buat nontonnya.
and one of my have quote from this show is : "I don't need the perfect wedding I have the perfect husband" (kerenn ya..keren ya.. perfecto buat calon manten tdk meticulous macam saya :D)

Looveee it

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

My New Venture

happy (almost) weekend all!!

Hoshh capek banget perjalanan menembus jekardah demi satu hri di bulan january 2013 *ngokk*

Anyway my highlight of the week is *drum roll* my new office!! Yayy!!
Yep am moving out from Gandaria C*t* to GI, from 16th floor to 40-something hoshh..hoshh..

The work is super carzyy banyak banget cuy. Gw pulang jam 7. I know seems ungrateful but I used to go home at 5 and the main reason am leaving law firm bcoz I don't wanna go home more than 6PM.

But I love the job (so far), my colleagues are nice,smarty and helpful and my boss is funny yet demanding :D and icing on the top that it is "selemparan kolor" to my boyfriend office,hemat transport (penting!! kek gk tau jekardah dan jalanannya yg jahanam)
I do hope this will last longer than last one (crossed my fingers)

here the view looking through bundaran HI

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Ties the knot

Saya bosan.

dan ketika saya bosan maka saya mulai berfikir yang aneh-aneh, padahal begitu banyak yang harus dikerjakan *lirik outlook lalu tutup lagi*, telpon sini telpon situ, yada yada endebre endebre tapi sungguh mala mengerjakan itu semua maunya bermalas-malasan sajah

Anyhoo seperti judulnya am going to ties the knot, in 4 months to be exact.

How the preparation so far?
ngikk sungguh lambat bak ulat bulu.
so far i only managed the get the venue (including the caterer) and the photographer maheza studio
will meet the decoration this weekend hopefully will score a deal.

Taking about weeding preparation one of the main concern is who is going to pay the bill is it me? my parents? my fiancee? his parent?
honestly i dont wanna now, i just wish i can close my eyes and suddenly the money or the check is there..tada!! (NGAREP.COM) I humbly says that i have money to pay my wedding but not the one that my parents wants to (mana mampu saya bayar pelaminan minang di EK ngokk) so my parents agrees that they will pay for the wedding expenses (horrayy!!) however as a devoted daughter am not gonna let them do that (alone hehehe) so my patjar and I will pay for some expenses whereas my parents will pay for the venue, catering and decoration.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

a trip to Lombok and Gili..

Perjalanan ke lombok ini udah di tunggu-tunggu bgt,kebetulan kami semua suka bgt ama pantai, setelah tahun lalu ngunjungin Pantai Patong, Phuket. Sekarang kita mau explore pantai lokal dan pilihan pun jatuh ke lombok dan 3 gili-nya :)

Sebenarnya fokus liburan kami adalah gili islands tapi tetep lah kepengen liat lombok. Setelah browse sana-sini ternyata lokasi airport skarang ada di daerah Praya yg letaknya skitar 20menit dri kuta dan skitar 2 jam kalau mau ke bangsal (pelabuhan untuk menyebrang ke gili) sedangkan flight kami sore dan malam hari karena itu kami memilih untk menginap semalam di kuta,disana kami nginep di yuli's homestay. Its actually a homestay not a hotel tapi
tempatnya cantik, modelnya seperti bungalow dengan kamar yg luas dan ada pool kecil.

poto ambil dari website-nya dan ketika sampai sana, bentuknya sama persis seperti potonya

Berhubung kita sampai udah sore dan lapar maka kita langsung makan malam dan kita diajak makan ke tempat yg namanya warung jawa, tempatnya sederhana bgt tapi ternyata makanannya enak bgt!we ordered fried rice, fried chicken, and soto.The vegetables were fresh harganyapun gk mahal dan rame banget itu warung, kayaknya paporit bule-bule (kere) juga.happy belly!

Untuk breakfast di Yuli's pilihannya antara pancake,omelette dan toast tentunya kami coba semua, favorit kita adalah si pancake dan itu enak banget. Such a nice way to start our holiday yang pasti hostnya -we called her kak Yuli dan Pak Man (sopir yg jemput kita) baik banget we were so happy with their hospitality. Maybe the price is not the cheapest one buat we were very happy with the service and highly recommended if someone looking for a friendly place to crash in near Kuta.

Perjalanan menuju Pelabuhan Bangsal bisa melalui pusuk dgn pemandangan seperti mau ke puncak atau lewat sengigi dengan pemandangan pantai. Sang sopir memilih lewat sengigi dan bener2 cantik,
Tapi sayangnya sopirnya agk lemot ya pas kita bilang pengen stop by di sengigi dia gk berenti aja loh (huh!) langsung ke bangsal.akhirnya memasuki area bangsal si sopir bilang2 "saya cuman bisa sampai sini,abis itu naik cidomo" and u know what we did? pura2 gk denger and ignored him gk mau turun hihihi,mobilpun tetep melaju ampe depan loket yg jaraknya gk nyampe 5 menit dri tempat dia suruh kita naik cidomo (sorry jek I did my homework sudah riset gk bisa dibohongin week!)

Bangsal siang itu tidak terlalu ramai,kami menunggu skitar 30 menit  untuk diberangkatkan si boat public harga tiketnya 10ribu per orang,belinya di loket resmi ya. Di kapal yg sangat tradisional itu banyak juga turis lokal,turis asing cuman 3 atau 5 orang. Gak lama skitar 30 menit sampai deh di gili trawangan. Sekedar mengingatkan di pelabuhan bangsal ini harap jaga baik2 barang2 anda, ketika kami turun dri mobil ada portir2 yg menurunkan barang kami untk ditaruh ditempat yg jaraknya cuman sejengkal dan mereka minta bayar (what the heck!) Begitu pula ketika mengangkat barang ke kapal yg jaraknya dekat itu sang portir minta 50ribu tentunya dengan memaksa (what the heck part 2). Karena itu sebaiknya gk usah bawa terlalu banyak barang dan usahakan light packing. Buat saya bukan masalah duit yg diminta tapi cara mintanya itu.

Di gili trawangan kita nginep di marta's kita nemu dari hasil googling dan ratingnya tinggi banget di trip advisor, penapsaran donks, dan ternyata lokasi hotelnya lumayan jauh dri bangsal karena kita bawa banyak barang jadi harus naik cidomo deyh, bayarannya 40ribu. Bayangin 5 wece2 yg tidak slim dengan barang2 yg heboh dalam satu cidomo. Untung gak rontok tuh cidomo :).

Hotel tempat nginep si marta's ini modelnya seperti cottage 2 tingkat, di lantai 1 ada 1 kamar tidur dan 1 kamar mandi sedangkan kamar tidur utama ada diatas. Lumayan PR sih naik turun tangga jadi quit a challenge buat yg bawa toddler or eldery unless u can keep them stay at first floor.
Tapi model kamar nya cantik banget dan ada kolam renangnya yg bikin kita semangat bgt buat maen air! Actually It was not the cheapest bargain but we don't have any complaint during our stayed.

Setelah masuk ke kamar dan beres2 kami memutuskan untuk liat-liat seputar gili trawangan dan poto-poto dan kepengen liat sunset di tempat yg namanya sunset point tapi sayangnya hari itu mendung jdinya gk kliatan tuh sunsetnya. Berhubung sudah lapar kita sepakat untuk makan malam dulu and we tried the scallywags yg direkomendasiin dimana-mana and we love it soo much terutama all u can eat saladnya and the breads selection-nya enyaakk bgt walaupun bit priceyy *turis kere*. Kita pesen ikan,ayam dan daging sapi surprisingly yg paling jadi favorit adlah si ayam alias chicken tandorii.

pic ambil disini

Kenyang makan maka tujuan selanjutnya adalah nyari kapal untuk snorkeling besok, we wanted to use a private boat tentchunya lebih mahal tapi kita takut pas lagi snorkeling ada paparazzi yg moto2,jadi mau yang private aja and turn out susye loh nyari "private boat dengan harga murah" we literally asked almost all the vendors but suprise surprise kita malah dapetnya dari hotel kita. Kalau diitung-itung dapetnya skitar 125ribu/orang, tapi kita bisa dapet ke gili menok dan gili air. (Walaupun setelah didatengin bedanya gk significant tapi udah nyampe gili masak gak nyamperin ke 3 pulaunya :)
Pulang dari thawaf,we decided to took a dip on the pool, so 5 of us ladies were gossiping by the pool at 10PM,karena airnya (agak) asin jadinya hangat loh..it was a fun ladies hang out :)

Esoknya bangunlah kita dengan semangat menggebu-gebu, habis sarapan kita berkumpul dan semuanya sibuk pake sun-block (yes saya si pecinta sunblock jadi tiap abis nyemplung dan kena air pasti oles lagi si sunblock). To tell you the truth gw gk hapal tuh nama spot kita snorkeling but I have to admit semuanya menyenangkan dan indah bangettt....phuket mah lewattt.
Setelah puas snorkeling dari jam 9-jam 3 akhirnya kami kembali ke gili trawangan dan gegoleran di pantai yg cantik bgt,halus bak merica dengan hamparan bule dimana-mana. Tentunya all the mat saleh are shirtless and the ladies dengan bikini or beberapa topless, ketika saya lagi khusyuk menghayal melihat pemandangan pantai dan laut yg keren itu tiba2 ada suara cekikikan disamping saya ternyata ada a group of indonesian guy who sitting next to our spot with their tele lense, am pretty sure they took pic or at least eyeing the tits of the topless bule, murah bgt ya mreka, liat gitu aja udah seneng bgt gmana kalo punya sendiri ya alias di dada mereka numbuh toket macam gitu? mungkin tiap hari ngaca gk brenti-brenti*loh?!* hahaha

Malemnya kita berniat pengen nyoba makan yg mure and we diceded to ate in a place yg biasanya bnyak bazar klo malem, eh ternyata hari itu pada tutup soalnya mau ada dangdutan (asooy tarik bang) untungnya masih ada 1 vendor yg buka dan kita beli pecel ayam,rasanya agk hambar ya tapi ayamnya guede bgt kenyang bgt deh jadinya.

Sepanjang pinggir pantai
banyak lounge and bar,penasaran donk pengen ngerasain. And we randomly tried one of the lounge,karena kita baru aja makan malam we just ordered drinks, karena kita gak minum alkohol kita pesen milk tea aja, di meja lain pengunjungnya rata2 bule dan mereka seneng banget sama waiternya yg kliatannya super ramah ketawa-ketawa melulu,am pretty sure the waiters were high on weed or mushroom, jadi kelakuannya agak absurd.
Setelah puas nongkrong pinggir pantai we treat ourself with a delicious gelato yg dijual di scallywags. A very nice way to called it a night :). Its a must to try gelato when u visit gili.

The next morning was our last day..gak mau pulaanggg love gili to the bones!
Before left lombok we had one more visIt to pantai aan and tried ayam taliwang yg enyak banget namely ayam taliwang irama those were highlight of our day!!

Menurut saya selain yang saya sebutkan diatas yang perlu diperhatikan ketika berkunjung ke lombok dan menggunakan jasa supir travel pastikan anda mengetahui secara spesifik nama dan alamat tempat-tempat yg mau anda kunjungi terutama untuk belanja dan makan. Contohnya di hari pertama kami minta diantar ke restoran ayam taliwang dan ternyata kita dibawa ke restoran yg tidak terlalu enak, karena tidak puas, dihari terakhir saya minta secara spesifik untuk dianter ke restoran ayam taliwang irama baru deh ngerasain ayam taliwang yg enak. Begitupun saat kita minta ke toko sovenir, si sopir malah mengajak ke tempat yg pastinya mahal-mahal bukan sentra suvenir seperti di pasar-pasar tradisional. It reminds me of siam reap. Bahkan kalaupun anda ikut tour & travel belum tentu dibawa ke tempat-tempat yg favorit. Jadi penting sekali buat riset,riset dan riset. Selain itu klo mau nginep di gili pastikan bawa tas yg compact seperti ransel ato backpack,simpan jauh-jauh ya si koper beroda karena akan sangat merepotkan waktu naik kapal ktika nyebrang ke gili.
But overall it was a fun trip, happy to find a nice heaven in our backyard..(Once again) phuket mah lewaatt.
So jangan lupa ya masukkin liburan ke lombok-gili ke itinery liburan, it worth every penny :)

adios gili.. gak salah memamng untuk milih liburan ke gili dan lombok :)

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Something wicked...

Heyhoo am back with another review… ceritanya abis nonton Wicked di Singapore

Actually I watched this show on late December 2011, sorry it took forever to put my review here, lazy me hehehe

the expensive program book

So.. As a so-called-theatre-junkies there is no way am gonna miss this one, even if I have to fly overseas and cracking my piggy-bank so be it..*nyahaha boong bin lebay sebenernya 8 bulan sebelumnya scara impulsive gw beli tiket ke sing dmana harganya murah benerr,tdinya tak mau dipake tuh tiket biarkan hangus tpi akhirnya pegi juga*

Liat iklan Wicked di starworld sungguh buatku merinding disko *mama aku kepengen..tak tahan pengen njoget* lalu dengan malu2 tapi mau approached my travelmate dan tanya whether she wanted to wacth the show, and she said yesss wuhaaa am the happiest gurl in the world we're gonna start a family..*huahaha salah fokus,emangnya propose kawinan*
Not jez she said yes she offered to bought a very nice seat, so I rushed to sistic and ordered the ticket, and we booked the show yayyy!!

The show plays at the Grand Theatre Marina Bay Sands, the building located at Marina Bay Sands or MBS (ya iyalah) that was my first time went there. Been to singapore for thousand times (lebay) I'm sure am gonna get everywhere by the blink of an eye, just give me the ezylink card and am I can beat evrything, turn out I was wrong :).
We almost late bcoz sephora (maafkeun ngampung di jkt pan gk ada sephora) and I didn't change my watch into sing zone so we're kinda having time confusion.
We took the red line MRT from orchard and aligned at the end of the station, we asked the officer abt the directon to the MBS and gave us a small note mentioned that either we walk or take a bus, we didn't mine walking but the force of nature stopped us, it was rain and its bloody heavy... and to add icing on top we waited at the wrong bus stop, after minutes of galauness finally our prince-charming-on-the-white-
horse came by (taksi maksudnya), we decided to took that one instead so off we go to MBS, actually it was not that far away but at that time taxi was the best option.

The venue:
The theater located inside the shopping center,so we came in and tried to found the theathre. It wasn't easy to found it (note to the building management more signs please) when we were still confused abt the location a bunch of bule run like a sprinter whohaaa it gave panic attack r we late??? Turned out we didn't it just them being lebay :)

So we lined up, and the security checked our purse and our ticket and informed us the direction. We were sitting in row ... (Err I forgot, at the back but in the middle of it) the theatre is not that big but bigger than Theatre Jakarta in TIM, I cannot imagine the ppl who sat in the cheapest seat (sombong yg kursinya mahal..biarin weekk) so the show started.. And it was.

The Show:
If u guys loooveeee theater musical like I do u're gonna love it to the bones. If u a big fan of Glee then u might familiar with Idina Menzel played as rachel berry's biological mother, she played as the main protagonist/antagonist elphy in the original Broadway production, she won Tony for her role in wicked. Am not gonna tell u abt the story u can Google it (pemalaasss). So many beautiful songs here my fave are 'I'm not that girl', 'for good' and def 'defying gravity'.
I played the song over and over again, am hooked baybiehh...
IMHO the story is so good and still relevant to the recent situation.
Life is not black & white. Misunderstood people can easily be judged as a bad person.
And to become a hero u just need to be in the right place at the right time.

The cast:
The cast not the original Broadway player but the one from australi but not make it less awesome.
But IMHO Galinda/Glinda in this production steal the thunder from elphy, she ruled the stage, she sang, danced and acted passionately (either overjoyed or under influence). Glinda is sooo powerfull. and Freyo is sooo handsome (celananya itu ketit banget lowhhh).

The downside:
I think the stage not as 'wow' as I imagine, it wasn’t bad, it just just I saw better :)  and the show is tooo fast make it longerrr pls (kan mehol cuyy, sini mesti beli tiket pesawat + byar hotelnya) and we cannot taking pic at all (galak mbak2/mas2nya). The most disappointing one that we have to purchased the program book (sing 20 dollar) instead of giving it free and they still put advertorial in it.

the Theater is also very cold u better bring jacket and make sure not coming with empty belly.

The verdict:
Overall am so happy with this one, enuf said.

Can wait for the next show :)