Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Something wicked...

Heyhoo am back with another review… ceritanya abis nonton Wicked di Singapore

Actually I watched this show on late December 2011, sorry it took forever to put my review here, lazy me hehehe

the expensive program book

So.. As a so-called-theatre-junkies there is no way am gonna miss this one, even if I have to fly overseas and cracking my piggy-bank so be it..*nyahaha boong bin lebay sebenernya 8 bulan sebelumnya scara impulsive gw beli tiket ke sing dmana harganya murah benerr,tdinya tak mau dipake tuh tiket biarkan hangus tpi akhirnya pegi juga*

Liat iklan Wicked di starworld sungguh buatku merinding disko *mama aku kepengen..tak tahan pengen njoget* lalu dengan malu2 tapi mau approached my travelmate dan tanya whether she wanted to wacth the show, and she said yesss wuhaaa am the happiest gurl in the world we're gonna start a family..*huahaha salah fokus,emangnya propose kawinan*
Not jez she said yes she offered to bought a very nice seat, so I rushed to sistic and ordered the ticket, and we booked the show yayyy!!

The show plays at the Grand Theatre Marina Bay Sands, the building located at Marina Bay Sands or MBS (ya iyalah) that was my first time went there. Been to singapore for thousand times (lebay) I'm sure am gonna get everywhere by the blink of an eye, just give me the ezylink card and am I can beat evrything, turn out I was wrong :).
We almost late bcoz sephora (maafkeun ngampung di jkt pan gk ada sephora) and I didn't change my watch into sing zone so we're kinda having time confusion.
We took the red line MRT from orchard and aligned at the end of the station, we asked the officer abt the directon to the MBS and gave us a small note mentioned that either we walk or take a bus, we didn't mine walking but the force of nature stopped us, it was rain and its bloody heavy... and to add icing on top we waited at the wrong bus stop, after minutes of galauness finally our prince-charming-on-the-white-
horse came by (taksi maksudnya), we decided to took that one instead so off we go to MBS, actually it was not that far away but at that time taxi was the best option.

The venue:
The theater located inside the shopping center,so we came in and tried to found the theathre. It wasn't easy to found it (note to the building management more signs please) when we were still confused abt the location a bunch of bule run like a sprinter whohaaa it gave panic attack r we late??? Turned out we didn't it just them being lebay :)

So we lined up, and the security checked our purse and our ticket and informed us the direction. We were sitting in row ... (Err I forgot, at the back but in the middle of it) the theatre is not that big but bigger than Theatre Jakarta in TIM, I cannot imagine the ppl who sat in the cheapest seat (sombong yg kursinya mahal..biarin weekk) so the show started.. And it was.

The Show:
If u guys loooveeee theater musical like I do u're gonna love it to the bones. If u a big fan of Glee then u might familiar with Idina Menzel played as rachel berry's biological mother, she played as the main protagonist/antagonist elphy in the original Broadway production, she won Tony for her role in wicked. Am not gonna tell u abt the story u can Google it (pemalaasss). So many beautiful songs here my fave are 'I'm not that girl', 'for good' and def 'defying gravity'.
I played the song over and over again, am hooked baybiehh...
IMHO the story is so good and still relevant to the recent situation.
Life is not black & white. Misunderstood people can easily be judged as a bad person.
And to become a hero u just need to be in the right place at the right time.

The cast:
The cast not the original Broadway player but the one from australi but not make it less awesome.
But IMHO Galinda/Glinda in this production steal the thunder from elphy, she ruled the stage, she sang, danced and acted passionately (either overjoyed or under influence). Glinda is sooo powerfull. and Freyo is sooo handsome (celananya itu ketit banget lowhhh).

The downside:
I think the stage not as 'wow' as I imagine, it wasn’t bad, it just just I saw better :)  and the show is tooo fast make it longerrr pls (kan mehol cuyy, sini mesti beli tiket pesawat + byar hotelnya) and we cannot taking pic at all (galak mbak2/mas2nya). The most disappointing one that we have to purchased the program book (sing 20 dollar) instead of giving it free and they still put advertorial in it.

the Theater is also very cold u better bring jacket and make sure not coming with empty belly.

The verdict:
Overall am so happy with this one, enuf said.

Can wait for the next show :)

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